Seamlessly Transition from Service to Civilian Success

Transitioning from active duty means you’re in command.

You get to choose your role, your city, your priorities. But, it also means you MUST make these choices. Feeling overwhelmed?

During your service, you mastered discipline, leadership, and resilience. Now, it's time to transfer these skills to the civilian workforce. But how do you navigate this new territory?

Enter our Warrior to Worker Coaching Program, a multi-leveled, comprehensive coaching service designed specifically for veterans in transition. While TAP offers a sea of resources for your job hunt, it often feels like an information blitzkrieg. What you need is a tactical plan tailored to your unique career goals. Our career coaching zeroes in on areas where you need support the most.

Our goal isn't just to help you land a job. It's about building a prosperous career, one that resonates with your personal goals, values, and the unique strengths you developed during your service.

What You'll Gain

As a Warrior to Worker Enlistee

Strategic Advantage in Your New Battlefield: Amplify your career opportunities in the civilian sector. We move beyond TAP and show you how to leverage your military experience to your advantage.

Mastery Over Civilian Skills: Develop command over skills essential for career progression in the civilian workforce. We decode the 'civilian' language and help you communicate your military skills effectively.

Strategies to Conquer Job Search Challenges: Equip yourself with effective strategies to tackle the unique challenges you'll face in your civilian job search. We guide you every step of the way.

Bespoke Accountability Roadmap: Keep your career transition in check with a tailor-made accountability plan, ensuring you stay focused and motivated throughout the journey. We'll lead you through what to do, when to do it, and how to succeed.

Balanced Life Beyond Duty: Achieve work-life harmony as you transition into civilian life, enriching not just your professional journey, but also your personal life. This time you're in command.

Customized Support: Get personalized mentorship to overcome your unique career hurdles. No two military transitions are the same, and our support reflects that.

Choose Your Path

Frequently Asked Questions

I don't know which plan is right for me.

That's okay. We'd love to learn more about your career goals and discuss how we can support you best. Shoot Whitney an email at [email protected] and let us know you have questions.

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon purchasing coaching, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a time for your appointment. You can always email to schedule at [email protected].

Can I purchase coaching more than once?

Absolutely! If you find yourself in need of coaching more than once, simply purchase the coaching again.